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“Humbly regard others as more important than yourselves,

each looking out not for his own interests,

but also everyone for those of others.

Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours

in Christ Jesus”


— Philippians 2:3–5

According to the Second Vatican Council, the Holy Mass is the “source and summit of the Christian life.” In addition to our participation in the Mass by means of prayer,  singing, and silence, there are various ways to serve those in attendance. These liturgical ministries include being an altar server, lector, or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, as well as laundering the sacred linens. Each role contributes to the beautiful and reverent celebration of the Mass. Liturgical ministers serve every few weeks.

Altar Servers

Altar servers assist the priest with the various sacred vessels and books that are used at Mass. Children (boys or girls) must have received Baptism and First Holy Communion, and must regularly attend Sunday Mass and religious education classes (either in a Catholic school, at home, or through the parish’s religious education program).


For more information, contact Ida B. O'Leary (


Lectors read the announcements, proclaim the biblical

readings, and announce the intentions of the Universal

Prayer (Prayer of the Faithful) at Mass. Lectors must

have received Baptism and First Holy Communion, be

in at least the eighth grade, and, if married, be in a

marriage recognized by the Catholic Church.


For more information, contact Ida B. O'Leary


Bringing up the Gifts

If you or your family would like to assist with bringing up the gifts at Mass, please email Ida at When emailing please indicate your name, the Mass time at which you wish to serve and your preferred email address. You will be included in a rotation as a family/couple, or as an individual. Individuals will be paired with others as a team. If there is a particular person you wish to serve with on a regular basis, please indicate that person’s name in your email.    

Altar Linen Guild

Those who participate in this ministry launder the sacred linens used at Mass, typically on a six-week rotation. The commitment is to pick up and return the linens in a timely manner.


For more information, contact Ida O'Leary (

Bishop Knestout encourages anyone aware of sexual abuse of minors on the part of clergy or staff of the Diocese of Richmond to notify civil authorities by calling the Attorney General’s Clergy Abuse Hotline at 1-833-454-9064, and then encouraged to contact the confidential Victim Assistance Reporting 24 Hour Number 1-877-887-9603 or the Director of Safe Environment 804-622-5203 or by email at

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